The Cross

The cross is where forgiveness begins…God cannot look on ugly sin.  So the cross provided a way to shield us so that the sin that was placed on a blameless son took death on a cross; which enables us to join God.  He wants a relationship with us.  But we have to be cleansed through death.  Jesus provided that for us.

This trip that we are on is being orchestrated by God.  God is already there, and the only way we can get there is by the way of Jesus on the cross.  He provided the means for us to get there.  And God is there cheering us on…

There are other trips for us to take…but none will lead us to God.  The only one that can lead us to God is Jesus.  And when we get there–what a celebration!  We know some who have already gone there…


So what exactly is worship??  We go to worship services.  We say that we worship God.  But is what we are doing what God is wanting.

Somehow it leads me back to have we were saved in the first place.  We didn’t have to take care of things first…we didn’t have to “perfect” first…we didn’t have to wait until the time was right.  He came to us, offered us eternal life, and we accepted it.  Right there and then…no waiting and no preparation on our part.  It was because of what God had already done!

Worship is an expression made to God.  It can be formal (with others) or it can be private.  Worship can be music, although it doesn’t have to be.  Worship can be speech, although it doesn’t have to be.  Worship can be drama, although it doesn’t have to be.  Worship can be the lifting of hands to God, although it doesn’t have to be.

It is that expression we make to God–directly from the heart. The one thing it is NOT — it is never boastful or showy…it does not draw attention to ourselves…only to God!

Only God knows if it is real.  Sometimes it is all of these things–but only if it comes from the heart.

Interesting Comments from Students

I had two students recently who said things to me that got me to thinking.

The first….a female student came up to me and asked me to pray for her dad.  In all my 18 years of teaching…that was a first.  I was happy to do it.  She doesn’t live in my town, nor does she go to my church.  I have not sit down with her and told her of my beliefs…I am not permitted UNLESS they ask.  She did not have to ask.  She simle ask me to pray.  Is that because she sees God in me!!!!  That made God smile!!


The second…a male student said to me this week.  “Do you believe in ghosts?”  I was still thinking about the first conversation, which had happened on the same day.  I replied to him…”I believe in angels.  Just because you can see something doesn’t mean it is NOT there.”


My words rang loud in my own ears.  Just because you don’t see God doesn’t mean he is not there!  MY GOD IS NEAR ME ALL THE TIME!



In 2 Chronicles it says that the Lord is with you if you seek him.  If you seek him he can be found.  This got me to thinking.  The things that we really want, we go in search of…we don’t sit and wait for it to come to us.

If you want a new car…the dealorship is not going to drive by your house with your car…you go shopping for it…you seek it out.

Our life with God is not there for us to just sit back and let God provide every desire we want.  We must seek him out, join him in the work at hand, and have a relationship with him.  We do that by spending time with him.  We spend time with him by praying, reading his word, and being compassionate with his family.

We go after the things we really want.  If it is God you want, go after him…while he may be found.  I am…!!!!

In a moment!!!!

Life is short.   We are all told that all our lives.  As a child we don’t really believe it.  It takes forever for our birthday to come.  It takes forever for summer to come.  It takes forever for…the list goes on and on.

When we grow up, it seems to pass off way too fast.   First it is January, and then before we know it summer is here…and then Christmas.  Where does the time go…we would like it to slow down…in order to get all the things done that we think we need to get done.  But what are the things we really need to get done…what is really important.

The important things sometimes get left out.  We think we have all the  time in the world.

What are the important things?  I started making a list…

1.  Knowing that God loves me.

2.  Knowing that I love God.

3.  Knowing that I have an eternal relationship with God.

4.  Sharing with others how to have an eternal relationship with God.

5.  Knowing that I love others and others love me.

6.  Telling the people I love that I love them!

7.  Not just telling them, but showing the people I love that I love them.

On July 21st, I was reminded of what is important.  In a matter of minutes, my sister, Donna went from having a face to face conversation with me to a face to face conversation with Jesus!  Did I expect it to happen someday–yes!  Did I expect it to happen on that day–no!

Even though I miss her more than I ever realized I would…I am happy that she is in the arms of Jesus.  I will see her again when God is ready for me to come HOME.

On Donna’s last day on this earth, we told each other that we loved each other and we had the best time laughing and talking–two of the things we did the best and the most often.  She always had time for me and I always had time for her.

We knew what was IMPORTANT!

Donna, I will miss you–but I will see you at the BIG HOUSE.


Home Sweet Home.  What makes it sweet.  The stuff?  The people?  The house itself?

There’s no place like Home.  What makes it unique?  What makes it special?

Home is where the Heart is.  What connection brings the heart and the dwelling together?

Everyone has a different definition of what these mean.

I think it boils down to the fact that we are never satisfied with what we have…is that why some of us keep moving and rebuilding.

We will never be completely satisfied until we get HOME!  Home with Jesus…our REAL FAMILY.  That is the HOME I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING!


He Cares for Us

In 2 Samuel 22 it says David was calling out to the Lord in his distress.  He tells how (verse 17) that “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters…”

Sometimes in our own distress we feel surrounded by our problems…God is able to reach down for us, too!

I think it is kind of like what we would do if a child was in deep water and was drowning…we would snatch them out of the water…to save them.  Just thinkin’!

Who Made It????

Just a thought I had today…when something is broke it makes sense to go to the source…the person or company who created it or put it together.  That person (or persons) would know the most about it.

Colossians 1:16 tells us that …”for by him all things were created:  things in the heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.”

If God created everything…and he did…then he is deemed as the owner and knows exactly how it all works.  He wants us to be a part of it.  He wants a relationship with us with what HE created.  All we have to do is accept HIM and his CREATION.

Father’s Day

Sunday we recognize our fathers.  I wanted to tell you about my father and my two grandfathers.  I love all 3 of them dearly and they love me.

Dad loved his God, his family, and his church in that order.  He was funny to those who knew him well….although he was quiet to those who didn’t know him.

He loved suits better than jeans, gospel and country better than pop rock, and he loved his steak and potatoes…although biscuits and gravy were a close second, especially ones that my grandmother use to make when she first met him.

He worked hard and loved completely those that he loved.  I feel honored that God chose him to be my earthly father.

 “Papa Charley” as he was known to the family was my mother’s father.  He lived in my town and during my growing up days we visited and saw him often.

My biggest memories were of him studying his bible, talking about historical issues, and going to church.  He was always very serious in church and I was usually “too hyper” for his taste.   He loved church music…and many times he would sit in a chair at home or visiting with us and move his hand back and forth like he was directing a choir.  Love you Grandpa.

My dad’s father, Silas, lived only a block and a half from us.  He loved family…anytime company that would know us came to his house, he would call us to come over, too.

He loved to tell stories.  Everytime I would visit with him, he had a childhood story for me.  He always tried to put a shock factor into it, just to see if I believed him.

When both of my parents worked, he would take me to doctor’s appointments to help out.  I had to visit a surgeon when I was in junior high, and he would pick me up from school and take me to the appointments.  While there, he would ask the doctor questions about himself.  I always teased him that he took me because of wanting to see the doc with an appointment.  Love you Grandpa!


Angry Penguin

Image via Wikipedia

I started reading a new biographical book in which the theme is forgiveness.  Forgiveness is the act to stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for something they did.

Anger—-when we are wronged, or even just think we have been wronged, it makes us angry.  Anytime you are angry it covers up everything else in its path.  You concentrate on the anger instead of WHY you are angry.  We don’t stop to find out why something happened or why someone did what they did.  Sometimes we just need to realize that even the other person did do wrong…it is a problem of theirs and not ours.  It doesn’t mean our life has to stop or even slow down, because of what they did.  We may not understand the whole story.  Even if we do…it is an act THEY did and we cannot change or be responsible for their actions…only ours!

Resentment–We separate ourselves from that person and do not want anything to do with them.  Yes, they may have done a wrong thing, but instead of bridging a huge gap with them, perhaps we need to find out what is going on…perhaps there is some way we can help them.  Maybe they did a wrong thing because of their hurt, or misunderstanding of THEIR life.

The character in my book did just that.  At first she was hurt, angry, and resentful of the wronged party.  But as she got to know more information, she found that she could forgive them.  The forgiveness was for her.  It enabled her to go on, instead of stopping her life.